The Litterbugs are a multi-taxonomic team that participates in the annual BioBlitz sponsored each year by the Rhode Island Natural History Survey (RINHS). The team was originally formed when RINHS volunteer representative Norm Dudziak encountered Jeremy Kaplan, a student from Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts. Jeremy was presenting a conference poster that included photos of nematodes and other microfauna that Norm realized had not been covered sufficiently at prior BioBlitzes. That encounter occurred at the Northeast Natural History Conference (NENHC) in Syracuse, NY, in April 2012. Jeremy was at the NENHC with Professor Christopher Bloch and other Bridgewater U. students, including Nate Hains. Nate has made every BioBlitz since then, while Jeremy has gone off to get a Ph.D. in biology at Oklahoma State University.
You are surely noting that this web site is short of content. The intent of the site is to display photos of microfauna taken at BioBlitz, hopefully to make it possible to identify more species or better identify species for which there is a preliminary identification. Note that in this biological realm, "morphotaxonomy" is the watch word. We have little expectation of coming up with genus and species for anything we find. Instead, for example, we'd like to say we found "4 species of rotifers".
Now that field season has ended, I hope to get some of these photos posted soon. Please check back occasionally.
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